Etienne Thuillier
Assistant professor
Etienne Thuillier received a DUT (Technology degree) in computer sciences from the IUT of Lannion, France, in 2010 and the title of engineer in computer sciences (M.S. degree) at Belfort-Montbéliard University of Technology (UTBM), France, in 2013. He then obtained the Ph.D. degree in computer sciences at the FEMTO-ST/DISC OMNI team, at the UTBM. He is currently assistant professor at the Aix-Marseille University (AMU) at the LIS lab. In 2014 he was team a leader as part of the ComplexCity project between the UTBM and the Institute of Smart City, at Shanghai University Sino-European University of Technology (UTSEUS), Shanghai, China. His research interest includes Intelligent Transportation Services (ITS) technologies, and more generally human and urban mobility.
Laboratoire LIS
Campus de Saint-Jérôme
52, Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen
13397 Marseille cedex 20
Bureau 26, 2ème étage
Actual projects
Research topics
Multi-source data, multi-modal data, smart cities, urban mobility, IoT, Big Data, Data integration
PhD thesis : Extraction of mobility information through heterogeneous data fusion: A multi-source, multi-scale, and multi-modal problem,” SPIM Doctoral school, UTBM, Paris, France, 2017.